They just prevent the user from saving the changes under the same name. Since the macros sometimes depend on certain things to be in the document, I prefer not to use “Read-only” solutions, since those do not prevent a user from altering the document. Since I need those macros to run, I cannot save the document as a PDF file.
Two of the macros, however, will change the content of the document in that one sorts rows in a table and the other macro scrambles the rows They can also search for things in the document to point them out. They make certain parts visible and other parts invisible. Those macros normally do not alter the text of the document. However, I also want users to be able to run macros with a shortcut key combination that will always have Shift + Alt + some other key. To simplify the users' tasks, I would like to lock the document so that they cannot change its content.
Although I work with Windows7 and Word 2007, the document is in Word 2003 so that all MS Word users can read it. I am writing a program with VBA in which a present a user with a Word document.